Our Teachers

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Our Qualified Teachers

Our teachers have bachelor’s or master’s degrees from education faculties. Our teachers have 5 years or more of classroom teaching and foreign language teaching experience.

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We Reach Our Students Who Don’t Know Turkish

Our teachers have the certificate of "Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language". They can easily communicate with students who knows little or no Turkish.

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We Give Importance to Professional Development

All of our teachers are regularly evaluated for performance. We adopt continuous development and progress with 360-degree evaluation.

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Performance Evaluation

All of our teachers receive regular professional developmental training. Colleagues support each other by engaging in peer observation and evaluation activities.

Meet Our Teachers

Meet the experienced teachers of Hurra Turkey. Click to watch the videos.

Volkan Özkösem
Ezgi Dağcı

Join Hurra Team

We invite teachers who are experienced in teaching Turkish, other languages and subjects to join Hurra Turkey, and add value to our team!